Is your kiddo loves crafts and learning? Teach them the Letter E with some fun ideas for a creative day! From elephant crafts to eggplant art, these activities will keep your little one engaged and learning. Ready to get started? Check out our blog post below!
This blog post will discuss a few fun ideas for a creative day with letter e preschool crafts. We’ll explore activities that are both educational and entertaining.
Letter e preschoolers are starting to learn their alphabet and begin to develop some basic writing skills. This is a great time to start incorporating fun crafts into their day.
Here are a few ideas for an educational and entertaining day with letter e preschool crafts:
1) Make ABC easel cards. Letters of the alphabet can be displayed on white cardstock, and each child can help write the letters using crayons, markers, or other coloring materials. The completed cards can then be put together in a colorful display frame or hung on the wall as decoration.
2) Have your children create simple word puzzles out of foam blocks. These puzzles can be decorated with stickers, labels, or drawings representing various words from the English language, such as “animal,” “ball,” etc. Once all of the pieces have been placed in the puzzle and manipulated until they form a complete picture (or sentence), it can be solved by any child who wishes to try!
3) Hang up pictures that spell out different parts of everyday life, like dishes drying on a line outside, cars speeding down highway lanes, and families going about their business at home. Children will love figuring out what each image spells before bringing it down for another child to enjoy!

Letter e Preschool Crafts Puzzle
Table of Contents
Letter E Preschool Crafts: Fun Ideas for a Creative Day
Today we will discuss some fun ideas for a creative day with children starting at letter E preschool.
- Have your child make a picture out of felt or construction paper and then use different paints, markers, and stickers to add details.
- Make a simple pattern with pipe cleaners, dowels, wooden skewers, or chopsticks on the front lawn and let your child decorate it however they like.
- Create an art installation out of boxes filled with balls of various shapes and sizes—your child can mix them up any way they like!
- Draw geometric designs on loose-leaf paper using whiteboard chalk or crayons before folding them in half so that the lines become invisible when unfolding (this is also a great activity for learning about angles).

Letter e Preschool Crafts Elephant
Letter E preschool crafts can be fun and creative, especially if you use elephants as your inspiration. Here are some ideas for a day of activity:
- Create an elephant puppet show. Use large pieces of paper to act out scenes from the Elephant Storybook. This is a great way to engage your child in learning and having fun simultaneously!
- Paint elephant paintings or sculptures using colorful tempera paint or clay. Encourage your child to mix different colors until they achieve the desired shade of gray or brown for their elephant sculpture/painting.
- Print out simple books about elephants and have your child read them aloud while they work on art projects with elephants as main characters.

Letter e Preschool Crafts Eggplant
Eggplant is a versatile vegetable that can be boiled, baked, or made into a salad. It’s also low in calories and contains no sugar. Here are some fun ideas for using eggplant:
- Eggplant caviar is an elegant way to enjoy this tasty veggie without guilt! Boil eggs, remove the yolk, and mix it with chopped eggplant until smooth. Serve cold or at room temperature as a palate-cleanser before dinner.
- Make eggplant Parmesan – Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Cut two-inch thick slices of eggplants and bake on greased baking sheet for 25 minutes or until golden brown and slightly softened inside. Top each slice with grated cheese, then return to oven for 5 more minutes or until cheese has melted fully. Serve hot!
- Eggplant “rice” – Start boiling water in a pot, then add shredded cooked chicken, diced onion, salt, pepper, rice vinegar, soy sauce, and grated ginger. Once all ingredients are simmering, slowly add the shredded cooked eggplants mixture, ensuring everything is evenly mixed before serving immediately! This dish can also be served chilled as part of brunch meal prep!

Letter e Preschool Crafts Eye
Eye crafts are a great way to help preschoolers develop their eye skills. They will learn how to trace shapes, estimate distances, and more. Here are four fun ideas for an eye-catching day at preschool.
- Alphabet Art with Eye Paints: Paint the alphabet letters on some white paper or card stock. Have your child trace each letter with a soft brush or finger. Once they have completed each letter, they can use different colors of paint to create expressive highlights and shadows on each letter.
- Tracing Mandala Sun Dogs: These sun dogs are easy enough for even very young children to make but tricky enough that you’ll be sure they’re getting practice tracing complex objects! All you need is some construction paper cut into a 5×7 rectangle (or any other shape), crayons or gel pens in various colors, and something big—like a door—for them to draw on top of while tracing their circles.
3 . Shape Sorter: Fill several small containers with water, ice cubes, pieces of candy (even raisins!), plastic spoons/knives, etc., then set out assorted shaped objects like ping pong balls, cookie cutters, etc. Give your child a few minutes per container and watch as he sorts everything by shape! This is also perfect for working on fine motor skills!
4 . Watercolor Flowers With Glasses: Take advantage of those sunny days outside by having your

Letter e Preschool Crafts Eagle
Letter E is for eager explorers, so make an open-minded craft with them that encourages exploration! This fun DIY activity features paper plates, string, pipe cleaners, and holiday stickers; all you need to do is follow these easy steps:
- Cut a small hole out of the top of each paper plate.
- Thread one end of the string through the hole on one side of the plate and pull tight to create a loop (see illustration).
- Do the same thing on the other side of the plate, making sure both loops are tied together tightly (as illustrated). Now it’s time for some decoration!
- Add festive Holiday stickers to each letter using a glue stick or your fingers (see photo below). You could also use glitter or sequins instead!
Read Also: Letter D Preschool Crafts: 3 Fun Ideas for Making Art with Children
If you’re looking for a fun-filled day that will teach your preschooler some important vocabulary, check out these ideas for letter e preschool crafts. From elephant rides to eye-catching art projects, there’s something here for everyone!