Why should landlords selectively accept tenants who will rent their property? Isn’t it important that the payment is not late in payment? Both of these are in the tenant verification form.
landlords do have to be selective in accepting who has the right to become a land tenant or property. Because renting property to people whose identities are not so well-known will have fatal consequences. We do not know the background of the prospective tenant, whether he is really a good person or someone who is in trouble with the law.
Many cases today involve property owners. Even though the legal entangled are the tenants, but the owner will also be involved because of the alleged dispute. Therefore, it is important to do the tenant verification form so that it is not wrong in renting out its property.
Table of Contents
Why You Must Use Tenant Verification Form
Some of the things below will make you think again when you rent your property. As a landlord you should indeed be more selective in assessing the tenants of your property. So that nothing unexpected happens.
Ask for real identity
As a landlord, it is your right to know the real identity of prospective tenants. You can fill in some important points in the tenant verification form to help you get to know your tenant better.
There should be a copy of the tenant’s real identity to be used as your own archive. If at any time you need to provide a report on the tenants of your property, you already have the data.
There is no suspicion of him
In this case you must be more sensitive in assessing prospective tenants. When you feel there is something wrong with the prospective tenant you should not continue the rental agreement. Because later it will be difficult for yourself.
Usually at first they will be difficult to ask for an identity or if you ask then the answers to prospective tenants always spin around. This you can suspect.
Who are the members of his family
You should ask if later he rents a house there, will live with whoever he is in the house. If you do not live alone then you are also required to ask for another identity so that you also know him well.
These three things are enough to be your guide in conducting initial screening when meeting with prospective tenants. Next they suggest that you fill out the tenant residency verification form. The contents of this form complete explain about yourself tenants. The form also contains the contents of the rental agreement with landlord clearly.
What are the contents of the tenant verification form
The tenant verification form contains everything about your tenant. You can check the lists in the form. You can also add information on the side of the check list as additional information.
In this verification usually contains the full identity of the tenant, in the form of a name, place of birth, nationality, identity number, gender, occupation.
In addition, it also discussed how payments from tenants to landlords. Is paid directly in full or paid in stages. It also says how much is the nominal, and payments are made via bank or cash.
There are also written rental periods, from when to when. So that if at any time you need a description of the rental period, there is written evidence agreed by the tenant.
This tenant verification form is different from the lease agreement. If the lease agreement is an agreement made by both parties, namely between landlord and tenants, while the tenant verification form is a document that explains the tenant’s correct identity.
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landlord verification form
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tenant verification form download
This verification needs to be done so that before agreeing to lease, the landlord knows first how the track record of the person who will rent the property.
If you have trouble getting the tenant verification form, you can ask the local police. You can inform the police that your property is interested in renting.
Later the police will provide the form and ask for a landlord to help fill it based on the information from the tenant. The police will usually also request a copy of the form as their file.
Actually it is safe if not without verification this form? Maybe there are some of you who will ask that. Because all this time you might as a landlord rent without verification form and so far it’s safe.
Without this form it doesn’t matter as long as you know for sure who your tenant property is. If it’s your best friend, you might not need to verify it. But if it is a stranger, then you should use the verification form to avoid negative events that can occur later on.
Indeed this verification form is only a means for the validity of the tenant, that he is a well-intentioned person, has good habits, good jobs, good family and friends who might visit the house he is renting.
Therefore, maintain your trust with this form of tenant verification. It never hurts you to start with a verification form that you have never used.
Tenant Verification Form
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| Sample Tenant Verification Forms | Rental Verification Request Form |
Tenant Verification Form Pdf | Example Tenant Verification Form | Tenant Verification Form Template |